Tuesday 3 March 2009

Roughcut analysis & improvements

In our rough cut we tried to create the character of the "nerd" and his love interest. We tried to show his geeky lifestyle and home life. We did this by trying to display his passion for poetry and his obsession with the matrix. We tried to include slapstick moments where anything he does happens to go wrong, always with embarrassment included.
However our rough cut appeared to be more of a scene rather than an opening so we discussed how to improve it and to make it more abstract we have filmed lots of close ups of poetry books, him writing, poetry books in a library, his magician tricks in his bag and his leather 'matrix' coat.
We are also going to film some shots of the geek in a public area unaware of embarassing himself e.g. chasing pigeons, doing his matrix enactments jumping behind trees etc.

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